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Kannon-ji (Tokushima)

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Kannon-ji (Kannon Temple) (Japanese: 観音寺) is a Koyasan Shingon temple in Tokushima, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. It is Temple # 16 on the Shikoku 88 temple pilgrimage. The main image is of Senju Kannon (Guan Yin Boddhisattva, Sanskrit: Avalokitasvara or Avalokiteśvara).



The temple was constructed during Emperor Shōmu's reign (701–756) as an imperial pilgrimage place. During the Tenshō (天正) era (1573–1592), the temple was destroyed by the forces of Chōsokabe Motochika (長宗我部 元親). In the Manji (万治) era (1658–1661), the temple was rebuilt with the support of the Hachisuka clan (蜂須賀氏). [1][2]

See also



  1. ^ Miyata, Taisen (2006). The 88 Temples of Shikoku Island, Japan. Koyasan Buddhist Temple, Los Angeles. p. 52.
  2. ^ Miyazaki, Tateki (2004). Shikoku henro hitori aruki dōgyō-ninin. Matsuyama. p. 44.
  • 四国八十八箇所霊場会 編 『先達教典』 2006年
  • 宮崎建樹 著 『四国遍路ひとり歩き同行二人』地図編 へんろみち保存協力会 2007年(第8版)